Lost Places

Sonntag, Januar 21, 2007

No-dong N40°51’17“ E129°39’58“

Filed under: general,report,zones — Franz John @ 21:35

„Lost Places“ are abandoned areas or buildings – I prefer to call them ‚zones‘- which have forfeited their original importance or significance and are left to decay. But I wonder how to define such sites, if they are more or less empty or out of order, or if they are still working in a kind of symbolic mode. Such a virtual „Lost Place“ seems to be a quite mysterious launch facility in No-dong, North Korea. Before you continue, please check first the linked comment and the related satellite image(s). http://f-john.de/lostplaces/?p=58#comments

Undoubtedly Korea is a bit far away from the acquainted Schoeppingen Missile tours to be seen in this blog, but from a satellite perspective, it might be worthwhile to focus a little more on the form or shape of such structures internationally – as Klaus and I tried to bring into debate through the „cosmic key“ posting below.

Officially, the Missile Assembly Building which you can see on the mentioned satellite image concerning No-dong is supposed to contain Taepodong-2 or Taepodong-1 missiles, so-called „weapons of mass destruction“. But if you look carefully at the image(s), you will discover strange things: the paved roadway ends after a U-turn to the North of the facility, with an unpaved continuation running to the South of the facility. If you follow the related links, you will discover well researched scientific information and materials about this odd construction, such as: (…) „no railway connections, nor even paved roads connecting the launch complex with the outside world“ or „the complete absence of residential structures – as well as the complete absence of larger structures that might provide ‚industrial‘ or other operational support“.

If not planned as a futuristic tomb for the glorious dictator Kim Il-sung – what might be the purpose of such a construction? It occurs to me the whole structure is just designed to be perceived from outer space.

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