Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA, 1996

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Military Eyes - BATTERY WAGNER  Military EyesBattery Wagner, 1996. (camera obscura, light on concrete)


To get the desired images in over­lay, John used special co­vers that turned the ob­ser­va­tion slits of the bun­kers in the lens of the camera obscura which projected the »military point of view« directly onto the concrete walls of the bun­kers. These mirrored realities can also be seen as the »eyes« of the »mili­tary brain«, upside-down reality in motion and in color in rela­tion to Plato’s Cave.*

By using a camera at long exposure time Franz John »engraved« these moving images such as ocean waves or passing ships on photo­graphic emulsion. The re­sult­ing works exhibit a haunt­ing, soft beauty often resembling »Renais­sance painting«.

Franz John’s »Military Eyes« is one of the most imaginative and most suc­cess­fully realized projects to use the unique site and history of the Marin Head­lands. It is artistically provoc­ative on many levels, marrying contem­po­rary tech­nol­ogy and artistic practice to older human pastimes, states of mind and per­cep­tion. We are indebted to this artist for showing us how to see, with new eyes, that which was both forgot­ten and familiar. We will never look at these sites the same way again.
Kathryn Reasoner, Executive Director, Headlands Center for the Arts

*In Plato’s allegory, the limited view of the cave dweller substitutes shadow for the realities in light of day.


This project was made pos­sible by the generous sup­port of: German Cultural Center of San Francisco (Goethe Insti­tute); ifa – German Insti­tute for Foreign Cultural Relations; Senats­ver­wal­tung für kultu­relle Ange­legen­heiten, Berlin; Head­lands Center for the Arts, Sausalito (USA)

Refering link: Franz John – Headlands Center for the Arts


Exhibitions on Military Eyes (selection)
Franz John – Military Eyes, Galerie Schüppenhauer, Köln (D), 1997. Franz John – Mili­tary Eyes, Goethe Insti­tut, Warschau (PL), 1998. Franz John – Military Eyes, Galerie Wolf, Berlin (D), 1998. Media­scape 6, Museum of Contem­po­rary Art, Zagreb (HR), 1998. Franz John – Grenz­pas­sagen, Kunst­verein Frank­furt/Oder (D), 2001. Trans­for­mations­prozesse, Haus am Kleistpark (Berlin), Kunsthalle Erfurt, Kultur Forum Dresden (D), 2018.

Publications on Military Eyes (selection)
Franz John – Military Eyes (single catalogue), Galerie Schüppenhauer, Köln (D), 1999. Military Eyes, in: Pinhole Photography, Eric Renner (Ed.), USA, 2008. Military Eyes, in: Reframing Photography, Rebekah Modrak with Bill Anthes (Ed.), Routledge UK, USA, Canada, 2010. Franz John – Military Eyes, Manfred Brunner in: neue bildende kunst (D), 1998. Franz John – Fotografische Bilder ohne Kamera, Anne Kotzan in: Zeitschrift Photographie (D), 2011.


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