Group exhibition

KUNSTSAELE BERLIN (D) January 16th – April 16th 2016

The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
Wow-Signal (detail)
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The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
Wow-Signal (detail)
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Extract from the booklet accom­pa­ny­ing the ex­hi­bi­tion: “Sky Nude” and “Wow-Signal” by Franz John.

“Wow!”, wrote the as­tro­physi­cist Jerry Eh­man in Au­gust 1977, deeply impres­sed, in the margin of a com­put­er proto­col where he had re­cord­ed an acous­tic sig­nal from outer space for a full 72 sec­onds with the Big Ear Tele­scope. A sig­nal of this in­ten­si­ty had never been re­cord­ed be­fore and has not been seen since, and its origin re­mains un­ex­plained to this day — which is why it has gone down in sci­en­ti­fic his­tory as the “Wow! Signal”.

In his work, Franz John often ex­plores ex­pe­ri­enc­es like these, which are at the hori­zon of hu­man world per­cep­tion. In sev­er­al recent ex­hi­bi­tions like Na­tur­al Af­fairs (2015, Austria) or The Shad­ow of the Body of the Coach­man (2016, Berlin-Ger­ma­ny), with Wow Signal and Sky Nude he pre­sent­ed two works that dem­on­­strate his con­tinu­ing cu­ri­os­ity for the fron­tiers of the un­known. These two pie­ces share some com­­mon ground, as both ex­am­ples cen­tre on re­cord­ing traces, on shad­ows — they pre­sent light and sound from a plan­e­tary per­spec­tive, which ope­rates on the ro­ta­tion and per­cep­tual angle of the Earth. If the pro­ject Sky Nude is based on an opti­cal scan of the sky tak­ing place over 24 hours, an “earth ex­po­sure”, made using one of the first readily avail­able scan­ning de­vic­es of its kind, Franz John´s cur­rent piece Wow-Signal con­cerns the search for extra­ter­res­tri­al life on an acous­tic level. He adapt­­ed this leg­end­ary spe­ci­men of hu­man per­cep­tion into a replic­able and vis­ual­ly per­cep­tible ver­sion: He re­pro­­duced the Wow! Signal of 1977 using a dye solar cell, which has been la­ser cut into the shape of the sig­nal and which uti­lis­es cut­ting edge solar techno­logy that al­lows the gen­era­tion of ener­gy using the photo­syn­the­tic ca­paci­ties of plant cells. The cell, meas­­ur­ing 35cm x 50cm and hung in a win­dow on the sunny side of the ex­hi­bi­tion space, is acti­vat­ed when ex­posed to light, trans­mit­ting the sig­nal on the chip through the ex­hi­bi­tion space in a highly sym­bol­ic man­ner. As the acous­tic “re­­vival” of the re­con­strut­ed sig­nal, pro­duced in close col­labo­­ra­tion with the Ber­lin ra­dio spe­cial­ist Elek­tra Wa­gen­­rad, is made pos­si­ble by the photo­syn­the­sis of the plant-based so­lar cell, John´s work points back to the ini­tial prin­ci­ple of all known life on Earth.
Text by Clemens Krümmel

Participating artists:
Monika Baer, Michael Dreyer, Katja Eydel, Moritz Fehr, Franz John, Svenja Kreh, Domi­nique Le Parc, Zilla Leuten­eg­ger, Alvin Lucier, Greg­­ory Maass & Na­young­im, Achim Mohné, Karin Sander, Sigu­ne Siévi, Rolf Walz, Xiao­peng Zhou.
Compiled by: Clemens Krümmel
Exhibition link: Der Schatten des Körpers des Kutschers


Franz John: Wow-Signal (audio)