Scanning the Sky above a Museum for 24 Hours

Exhibition Trivial Machines, ­Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen (D), 1992

Sky Nude
SKY NUDE (Detail)
SKY NUDE (Detail)
SKY NUDE (Detail)
Sky Nude Installation
Sky Nude
Sky Nude
Sky Nude (detail)
Sky Nude (detail)
Sky Nude (detail)
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
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Sky Nude
Sky Nude
Sky Nude (detail)
Sky Nude (detail)
Sky Nude (detail)
The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman
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Excerpt from journal die tages­zeitung (TAZ), May/18/1992

Against the Instruction
(…) Non-trivial in utili­sation and result is Franz John’s Hagen-commis­sioned work “Sky Nude”. For 24 hours he worked a color-scanner out­side on a roof and digi­tal­ised the sky above it. In­com­pre­hen­sible in form and color the al­to­gether 630 high­reso­lution scans caused aston­ish­ment: “where does the sky actually begin”. Some still shim­mer in the black of the night chang­ing to a psyche­delic spec­trum with the mor­ning rain and could in day­light be an inspi­ra­tion for Ger­hard Richter’s ab­stract paint­ings.
Jochen Becker

Video: “Sky Nude”, May-08-1992, 00:00May-08-1992, 24:00
Total: 8’25” (time lapse loop)